Tuesday, 18 November 2008

The tortoise

It doesn’t live to be nearly 200 years old by rushing around like a loony.

I’ve never been one to rush things , I never will be . Unless of course I have too , that’s obvious .This is providing good exercise for me to practice something everyone needs to master, being able to observe/manage work flow.It's so I can remain hardworking in all aspects, but not burst any blood vessels at the same time.

Don’t do something you know you might not be able to do ,and let yourself & the team down.
Don’t work if you’re not in the mood , it will only reflect how you feel at the time
If you have an idea, put it down.
If you want to learn a skill or a technique in something, do it as much as you can in any spare time, you’ll thank yourself later for doing so.
Be familiar with everything , but specialise in a certain field.
Don’t rush anything! Its vital you take reasonable time with work , its precious .
Don’t expect any golden A *'s.You aren’t a pro yet, so don’t pressure yourself over it , just do what you can . its all a learning process at the moment for many of us.

This is just a small list of how I function and keep a cool head .

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