Sunday, 30 November 2008
I’ll tell you why! , I’ve been very busy, that’s why.
Anyway .. Its finally coming to together ! Absolutely fantastic! its looking brilliant at the moment .I’m still yet to take pictures and do a reflective about what I have done lately (and I’ve done a lot), but I haven’t had the chance too, and Maya is being a complete ***** . I will do it when I can. Also when I’m not so stressed out with the whole work thing ,so it’s not really on my agenda at the moment . Getting my work finished in these last weeks is though! I will write up about it when my mind is less scattered , because write now , I cant think straight .
Apologises for any bad grammar or spelling . I’ve been up for over 24 hours working ..yet again
Here’s something for meantime
I’ve worked on the ceiling.
Resized the second section of the house .
Positioned the Study area Complete with Textures
Built more models for study
I compiled everything that everyone else did into a Main MASTER file.That has all textures+models present in the file . + having to re assign a lot of the textures.
Fixing errors with the group that Maya kept throwing at us , which we overcome . Well done lads.
+ Many other things
I will go into depth soon
Friday, 21 November 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Sofa + texture
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
The tortoise
I’ve never been one to rush things , I never will be . Unless of course I have too , that’s obvious .This is providing good exercise for me to practice something everyone needs to master, being able to observe/manage work flow.It's so I can remain hardworking in all aspects, but not burst any blood vessels at the same time.
Don’t do something you know you might not be able to do ,and let yourself & the team down.
Don’t work if you’re not in the mood , it will only reflect how you feel at the time
If you have an idea, put it down.
If you want to learn a skill or a technique in something, do it as much as you can in any spare time, you’ll thank yourself later for doing so.
Be familiar with everything , but specialise in a certain field.
Don’t rush anything! Its vital you take reasonable time with work , its precious .
Don’t expect any golden A *'s.You aren’t a pro yet, so don’t pressure yourself over it , just do what you can . its all a learning process at the moment for many of us.
This is just a small list of how I function and keep a cool head .
Apologies for any bad grammar & spelling .. I haven’t spelt in over 24 hours …
Trying to get work done while having power cuts & doing trillion other things is well fun and jolly.
Textured table/stand
textures ha...

This is my first ever go at doing textures .It came out quite well, I really didn’t know what to expect at first ,I was expecting some massive disaster, so to my amazement I was very happy to see it come out reasonably well .Its not really finished at the moment, as it has some problems , though it could pass as being complete ,its just not perfect . I will see what the others say first , then I will choose whether or not to neaten it up , as the camera wont really be focusing on the chair at all , and you shouldn’t notice any bugs in the textures.
Monday, 17 November 2008
update of wall painting

I haven’t really had the time to work on this blasted women, its annoying me .I keep stopping and starting, and having to fit it in among other projects . Its no task either , it shouldn’t take this long to finish.. But where’s the time?
I’d like to purchase some extra time please
Where the hell is Bernard’s watch when you need it.
lots & lots of things to tidy up on this .. so I’m still not sure whether I’m going to bother using this in the final environment . If I don’t ,it would at least make good practice, but I aim to have it hanging up on the wall in the final.
Ps: Her boobs are stupid
Storyboard piccy update

I *laugh out loud* @ crappy storyboard painting haha
Looks aright though, for what its ment to be anyway. The layout of the room isn’t exact to the floor plan .I just made it up, as we are still not 100% clear on the EXACT layout of it anyway . Again, as I said before down the page(unless I haven’t , which means I’m saying it now) these storyboard pictures are mainly just for camera and lighting, not much else.
Update of recent work.
It’s coming along very well, I couldn’t be happier with how its turning out .
The house is really starting to take shape now, the first room is about 99.9 % complete, with just some tweaks to be added .The back alley/corridor type room is done, and just needs some tweaking as well, and the study area that leads to the *secret* room is also modelled out, and is ready to be detailed and imported into the file containing the rest of the house.
The group had a group discussion with Jarred last week, and it turned about to be very beneficial for us. He went over what we can expect with texturing our models . The pros and cons that come with it, and some handy little tricks that will/are providing useful in our project.
As well as fixing the house together for the last week with the group. I’ve been making some extra models to be put into the house, added some new features to the building & continued with the storyboard and paintings.
List of things I’ve done over the week
Created another window above the front door
Created two chandeliers .One large, one small.
Created very large roof beams for the main room
Added major & minor details to the alley/corridor + objects
Updated the storyboard
Screen shots are yet to follow
Small reflective......
I feel more could have been done , especially at the weekend, but due to file corruption problems and space on my USB stick, it has been VERY limiting to the amount of files I can bring home with me .Even though this has been a problem , I haven’t let it hinder me as much as it could do. I shall not be beaten ! .
I had an issue with chains on the chandelier . It was quite difficult to try and make it look like the chains were being pulled correctly and at the right angle to convey the correct use of weight. The weight didn’t come out entirely how I wanted it ,but it works.
Apologies for any grammar mistakes or spelling , I’m bloody tired .
Friday, 7 November 2008

A current painting I’m working on, possibly for the main hall area, at the top of the stairs. if it isn’t put at the top of the stairs, it can be put into the study area. The women is based of a musician named Emilie autumn ( ) as her style fits quite with the environment we are making.
Note : I’ve already changed the painting since this picture .The update will be shown later.

Update of the first room.
Added the banisters that Stewart made, around the landing + stair area , which I pieced together on the environment(Stewart doing the stairs as the banisters had to be remodelled). I also had the wonderful task of making the windows .I might make the middle two small windows slightly bit longer (suggested by Stewart) depends though, they look ok as they are for now, I shall see.

Put the very basic stuff together and now going to focus on getting this room finished very soon.
As you can see the foyer main principles are down , and it really wont take that long to pad it out and fill it up with detail. The outside body (walls and dome ) were created by me and josh , the main pillars under the arches created by me and josh.
When we first received the stairs section and upper floor area from Stewart it was out of scale , but that was no problem really . Both me and Stewart got back onto the computers and altered what he already made & did our own versions, and then we chose which one we proffered, which was mine. I then gave him back what I had altered so he could neaten up the gaps and bits and pieces , while I made some tables.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Feedback and such
I was given some great feedback regarding my work and the overall way I work which is cool. Of course though, the point of the formative was too identify the weaknesses in my work . My main focus after the feedback is that I’ve got to add a lot more reflective work to my page , which of course I will do so !
Here are some things that I’m currently focused on
finalizing off these more detailed storyboards ( haven’t uploaded the rough drawn ones yet) . we can finally use these to show where the cameras are going.
Finishing off a possible painting that can be used for the walls or on top of a desk or table
Getting the first room completed
Possibly more models for rooms .Add clutter etc , plants as well , they are vital.
Get some lighting sorted.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
A Test for ourselves, nothing more.

Myself and josh made the pillar and environment, while we used an old version of the stairs to give ourselves a rough idea of the area. This was nothing more than a test , to see how everything will eventually piece together. Wont be as many pillars , probably maxing out about 5 or 4 pillars each side instead of 10 (which you cant see in the picture) .